Greens in cooperation to share power in York

Green councillors Denise Craghill and Andy D'Agorne with Liberal Democrats Carol Runciman and Keith Aspden

Although the main parties in Westminster are struggling to work together, Green councillors in local authorities are teaming up with colleagues from other parties to work together for the benefit of their communities.

Following in the footsteps of councils in Worcestershire and Stroud, more Green councillors have brokered power sharing agreements in hung councils since the local elections earlier this month.

Councils where Green councillors hold positions as part of the ruling Administration now also include Lancaster, South Oxfordshire and York.

In York a Liberal Democrat-Green coalition has been formed and an additional Executive Member role has been created for Climate Change, with an action plan focusing towards York becoming a zero-carbon city.

Greens have two places on the Executive: Cllr Andy D’Agorne is Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive member for Transport and Cllr Denise Craghill is Executive Member for Housing and Safer Neighbourhoods.

Cllr Andy D’Agorne, Leader of the Green Group, said: “It’s a historic moment for the Green Party in York. Both myself and Cllr Craghill are delighted to be taking up Executive positions on the Council and we look forward to seizing this opportunity to deliver real improvements in York. We share a conviction in the urgency of addressing the climate emergency and making York carbon neutral by 2030, while improving life and basic services for everyone in the city. We will work to engage council staff, councillors, residents, businesses and interest groups in achieving this.”

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