There are over 800 principal authority green Councillors representing communities across England and Wales.
There are also over 400 Town and Parish green Councillors across England and Wales.
AGC Staff

Jennie Smith
AGC Coordinator
Jennie Smith is the AGC’s Councillor Resources and Support Coordinator working to support Green Councillors across England and Wales.

Julian Dean
Local Government Policy Adviser
Julian Dean is the AGC’s Senior Local Government Policy Adviser working to support and coordinator Green Councillors’ policy work in their councils.
AGC Board
The Association of Green Councillors elects a six member Board each year to represent councillors across England and Wales. They are able to co-opt additional members after the elections and select a Chair following the elections.

Johnny Denis
Lewes District Council & East Sussex County Council

David Francis
Vice Chair
South Tyneside Council

Amanda Onwuemene
Board member & GPEW Rep
Wirral Council

Andrew Cooper
Board member
Kirklees Council

Ben Foley
Board member
Bedford Council

Geraldine coggins
Board member
Trafford Council

Hilary Wendt
Board member
West Midlands

Board member

Board member