Celebrating Northern Voices
We’re Councillors Scott and Jack from Burnley Green Party and as part of the Northern Voices initiative, we want to tell you how we have gone from winning our first Council seat, to becoming part of the administration in just six short years. Burnley is a former Lancashire mill town and one of the most deprived areas in the country.
Since 2018, when Andy Fewings was first elected, we have gained Councillors every year.We have been reliant not just on money from local donors, but also on the regional funds for our campaigns and all the other help the region provides; such as the expertise of the Field Organiser and the Action Days.
This year saw a large fracture in the ruling Labour Party over the party’s stance on the unfolding situation in Gaza and we were able to form an administration with the former Labour Group councillors and the Liberal Democrats. It’s been refreshing to be the change makers we have always wanted to be.
We are immensely proud of what we have achieved in our first 100 days in office.

Between us we hold two portfolios: Health, Culture and Wellbeing, and Sustainable Development and Growth.
In his first 100 days, Cllr Scott Cunliffe, as executive member for Sustainable Growth has:
- Approved a level two feasibility study into geothermal power extraction from Burnley’s decommissioned coal shafts, with a view to forming a district heating system across the town. These are the first steps in developing a Renewable Energy Strategy for Burnley;
- Improved the pace and acceleration of climate action across the town;
- Agreed to host a Climate Action Conference in 2024 marking 5 years since Burnley declared a climate emergency;
- Met with East Lancs Chamber of Commerce, the North West Aerospace Alliance and other large advanced manufacturing and engineering business leaders to advance Burnley’s role in being a centre for low-carbon technology;
- Facilitated local F&B businesses to work together to establish a ‘Best of Burnley’ venue in the town centre;
- Secured heritage funding to upgrade new Creative Spaces in Burnley town centre – first steps in improving Burnley’s Creative Economy;
- Worked with Councillor Launer to improve Burnley’s visitor economy attracting more folk to enjoy our friendly hospitality and outdoor town in the South Pennines.
- Introduced a substitute system for all groups attending committees on the council.
In his first 100 days, Cllr Jack Launer, as executive member for Health, Culture and Wellbeing has:
- Changed the course of Burnley Borough Council on Falls Prevention for the frail – a pilot scheme has been promised by stakeholders in Lancashire.
- Secured an Audience Growth Grant for Burnley Mechanics (the town’s theatre) for 2024 for 3 new live original music projects
- Set up a Burnley Film Society at Towneley Hall
- Planned a wider conversation around Mental Health Services which has been agreed by all the stakeholders in county and town
- Written to defend Parkinson’s Nurse services in East Lancashire and was given assurances of the future services
- Helped engage with Burnley Businesses from a culture perspective into the Economy and Growth department, now managed by Green Party Cllr Scott Cunliffe.
We are immensely proud of the work we’re doing and hope you take inspiration and heart from our story and the impacts we are having. Burnley is not a place you would typically associate with Green successes, but with hard work and investment from the regional party, we are smashing it.