Gloucestershire County Council’s four-strong Green Group has secured a whopping £400k of amendments this year.
A residents’ e-bike loan/discount purchase scheme worth £150k will be rolled out across the county.
The hire scheme is expected to allow residents to trial e-bike ownership over a number of months, with the option to purchase the bike at a discount after the hire period. Studies have shown that those who trial an e-bike are significantly more likely to want one for the longer term, and to cycle more in the future. E-bikes are particularly suited to more rural and hilly areas and where there aren’t suitable, safe, separated cycling options, giving confidence and increased pedal power to those who need it and a cheap way to get around at a time when many are struggling with rising costs.
Secure bike storage (lockable hangars) worth £90k .
It is well established that people are more likely to travel by bike with the reassurance of having somewhere safe to store their cycling equipment, and the new bike storage facilities will further support the council’s commitment to increase active travel three-fold by 2030.
An increase to the Rights of Way budget of £100k (a Green amendment of £60k topped up by £40k from Labour)
This represents a huge increase to the budget of local footpaths officers and should make a material difference to their ability to keep footpaths open and usable for all. Walking is a good way to maintain fitness, doesn’t cost anything and helps to reduce carbon and traffic.
And a £100k to pay for the recommendations of the Restoring our Rivers task group, which looked at the hydrology and biodiversity of the county’s waterways, the pollution pressures they are under and what can be done about it.
Widespread national coverage of the poor state of river water quality and biodiversity led to the establishment of this Working Group and the budget assigned to it will now ensure that its recommendations can be pursued.