Green councillors call on local Tories to join them in disowning government attack on nature
Hundreds of Green Party councillors have sent an open letter to local Conservative councillors in their area, calling on them to disown the government’s ‘attack on nature.’ Greens have decried Kwasi Kwarteng’s recent ‘mini-budget’ as a ‘three-pronged assault”. As the Conservative Party begins its conference in Birmingham, Green councillors are urging local Conservative councillors to say ‘no’ to their new leaders and stand up for their community and local environment. Government plans include ‘investment zones’ which would make it easier to get planning permission; a ‘sunset clause’ on EU environmental protections; and scrapping the Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS), which would have paid farmers to improve nature on their land, with plans to replace this with a payment-by acre not linked to any environmental measures. Councillor Ellie Chowns, a cabinet member on Herefordshire Council, said: “Conservative councillors represent many rural voters who will be up in arms about the government proposals. They should show courage and do the right thing by opposing these hugely damaging plans, which are almost the direct opposite of Conservative manifesto promises and have never been put to the British people. “We need all our local politicians, whichever party they come from, to stand up for nature. We can have robust local economies whilst also helping nature to recover and thrive. Local Tories have a special responsibility to say no to their new leaders and defend the natural environment on behalf of our communities.”