More jobs, more investment – those bonkers Brighton Greens

Brighton and Hove Greens have produced their end of term report. It is a record of the remarkable four-year achievement of Britain’s only Green-run council.

It’s 41 pages but worth a scroll through for anyone who wants to find out what Britain’s sole Green council administration has REALLY achieved, rather than the distorted smears that Labour and Conservative activists have orchestrated against them. I can’t think of a single other council that has achieved as much in four years.

It is also worth reading for Green councillors and aspiring councillors elsewhere in the country to see how our ideas can work or can be improved in practice.

The good things they have done have been carefully buried by rival parties and their supporters in the media by a cascade of abuse about recycling rates and waste collection, when Brighton Greens have actually begun to turn around a problem inherited from the last administration’s insistence on introducing communal bins, a problem which the Greens’ leader Jason Kitkat actually predicted when they were in opposition.

If they weren’t so good, their rivals wouldn’t be trying so hard to attack them.

Brighton Greens End of Term Report

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